Random Ramblings

The purpose of this blog

Quite often I am asked about the reason I started blogging and what do I blog about at Umar Siddiqi dot com. Here I will try to answer this question, not only for my readers but for myself as well to regain focus and clarity.

So Umar Siddiqi dot com revolves mostly around following topics:

Technology: My commentary on latest technology. I am a computer scientist by education and an IT professional. I believe this qualifies to some extent to analyze and review the technological advancements happening around us.

Cars: I love cars. I have reviewed cars on my blog before and I don’t plan to stop it.

Urban life: Currently I live in Dubai which is very happening place so from time to time I write about things happening in Dubai. If and when I move out of Dubai I will continue to write about which ever city I take residence in.

Rant: Occasionally I rant about something totally non related to any of the previous topics. I try to keep this to the minimum so you will not be annoyed that much.

So that’s pretty much it. I have written film reviews on my blog in past but I stopped it because I don’t want this to be a film review website. Also do take a look at my about page where I have ranted about my frustration with technology and that I will keep this blog focused on my experiences with technology, but I tend to digress many at times.

So if you are still interested in keeping abreast with what I have to say, then you can subscribe my blog through RSS, or like my blog’s facebook page where all the posts are cross published an addition to some exclusive content for facebook subscribers only.

Thank you so much for being a part of this journey so far. If there is anything specific you want to see covered in this blog then please leave a comment and I will definitely consider it.