
Movie quote of the week – Boiler Room

Ok, here’s the deal. I’m not here to waste your time, ok, and I certainly hope you are not here to waste mine. So I’m gonna keep this short. Become an employee of this firm, you will make your first million within three years. Ok, I’m gonna repeat that. You will make a million dollars within three years of your first day of employment at JT Morlan. There’s no question as to whether or not you will become a millionaire working here. The only question is how many times over. You think I’m joking? I’m not joking. I am a millionaire. It’s a weird thing to hear, right. Tell ya. It’s a weird thing to say. I’m a fucking millionaire. Now guess how old I am. 27. You know what that makes me here? A fucking senior citizen. This firm is entirely comprised of people your age, not mine. Lucky for me I happened to be very fucking good at my job or I’d be out of one. You guys are the new blood. You’re gonna go home with the casive. You are the future big swinging dicks of this firm. Now you all look money hungry. And thats good. Anybody tells you money is the root of all evil doesn’t fucking have any. They say money can’t buy happiness, look at the fucking smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby. You want details, fine. I drive a ferrari. 355 cabi LA. What’s up? I have a rediculous house in the south fork. I have every toy you could possibily imagine. And best of all kids, I am liquid.

So, now you know what’s possible. Let me tell you what’s required. You are required to work your fucking ass off at this firm. we want winners here. Not pikers. A piker walks at the bell. Piker asks how much vacation time he get in the first year. Vacation time? People come and work in this firm for one reason. To become filthy rich. That’s it. We’re not here to make friends. We’re not saving the fucking manaties here guys. You want vacation time, go teach third grade public school.